Locations Management

Locations are physical locations. The system allows users with specific authorisation to add and manage locations available within the system.

The section assumes that the user has successfully logged in and a location management role has been assigned.

The user can manage the following options through the system:

  • Countries

  • Resorts

  • Cities

  • Atolls

  • Islands

Managing Contries

Users can view existing countries, edit existing countries, and add new countries through this option. To add a new country;

  • Click the plus icon on the right upper corner of the screen.

  • When country information dialog opnes, fill the Name and code of the country.

  • Save the information.

You have successfully added a country.

To edit and existing Country;

  • view the existing countries.

  • click on the country that you want to edit.

  • change information as required.

  • save the information.

Managing Atolls

Users can view existing atolls, edit existing atolls, and add new atolls through this option. To add a new atoll;

  • Click the plus icon on the right upper corner of the screen.

  • When atoll information dialog opnes, fill the Name and code of the atoll.

  • Save the information.

You have successfully added an atoll.

To edit and existing atoll;

  • view the existing atolls.

  • click on the atoll that you want to edit.

  • change information as required.

  • save the information.

Managing Islands

This action assumes that you have already added the atoll to which the island belongs to.


  • Atolls

To add atoll, visit the Islands Dashboard. Click the "+" icon at the top right corner of the page.

You have successfully added an Island

To edit Island Information;

Last updated